
QWRTL is a crossword puzzle game with 6 tries that requires thinking ability. Find the words that match the color cues after each attempt. This is a It belongs to the Wordle game genre and attracts users by its attractive gameplay combined with the method of reviewing English vocabulary.

When starting to play QWRTL, a 6x5 grid will appear corresponding to 6 5-letter words you need to decode. You have a total of 6 attempts. During the test, it allows you to delete the letter from the blank and replace it with another letter until you press the "GO" button, you can only continue to write the next words without changing. change from before. Each time you fill in all the words on such a 6x5 board counts as one attempt. Based on the colors green, yellow and gray you can tell the degree of presence of letters in the word. Green is the letter that is in the word and is in the correct position. Yellow is the wrong place and gray is the absence of that letter in the word. Are you ready to decipher this game? Play now!

How to play

Use the mouse to play

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Categories And Tag of QWRTL

QWRTL is a crossword puzzle game with 6 tries that requires thinking ability. Find the words that match the color cues after each attempt.