


In Randle, the player will receive a hint, then the player will have a total of 5 subsequent attempts to guess 6 5-letter words. The different colors displayed are also a good suggestion for you to take advantage of it.

Each color displayed in Randle will have a unique meaning, symbolizing the accuracy and relevance of that letter. After entering the word, the letters that appear will have 3 types of results: green, yellow and gray. With green, congrats on filling the letter in the correct place. With yellow, you should review the position of the letter, it is in the word but is in the wrong place. And gray means it's not in any position, delete it and replace it with another letter. Did you understand how to play? Let's play now!

How To Play

  • Use the mouse to play

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Categories And Tag of Randle

In Randle, the player will receive a hint, then the player will have a total of 5 subsequent attempts to guess 6 5-letter words.