Image To Word Match
Image To Word Match

Image To Word Match


Learn English faster and easier when playing Image To Word Match, matching images with vocabulary with corresponding meanings.

Image To Word Match will help players increase their ability to learn and remember vocabulary when given images and given vocabulary. In each level, the player will have to match the images with the corresponding meaningful vocabulary by dragging its images to the vocabulary position on the right. When the pairing is correct, both the image and the word will be erased from the screen. If you make a mistake, the system will make a sound indicating you made a mistake, and the image will return to its original position. Think carefully, remember and combine to get the correct answer. Play it every day to improve your basic vocabulary. Are you ready? Play now!

How to play

Use the mouse to play

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Categories And Tag of Image To Word Match

Learn English faster and easier when playing Image To Word Match, matching images with vocabulary with corresponding meanings.