Illuminate 2
Illuminate 2

Illuminate 2


Illuminate 2 offers interesting thinking puzzles, requiring players to focus on observation and demonstrate their intelligence to help the bulbs light up.

Illuminate 2 is a fun puzzle game that helps players train their brains and relieve stress with easy-level puzzles. Here, players will have to rotate the connecting lines so that it forms a continuous circuit and connects from the energy source to the bulbs and helps the bulbs to be fully lit. It has a moderate difficulty level, does not create a feeling of stress for the player but is not easy either, giving players interesting and impressive challenges. Conquer the challenges with your observation and quick thinking skills. Play now!

How to play

Use the mouse to play

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Categories And Tag of Illuminate 2

Illuminate 2 offers interesting thinking puzzles, requiring players to focus on observation and demonstrate their intelligence to help the bulbs light up.