Quick Arithmetic
Quick Arithmetic

Quick Arithmetic


Quick Arithmetic gives you calculations and you have to click to see if it is correct or incorrect. You have 300 seconds to think about each calculation.

Quick Arithmetic is a math-themed puzzle game in which you have to observe and determine which calculation is correct. For each calculation, you will have a total of 300 seconds to count down and choose whether it is correct or incorrect. You will be awarded points for each correct answer. But if you make a mistake, you will fail and have to play again. The game has a total of 10 levels and after each level, the difficulty increases, giving players more difficult puzzles and requiring them to calculate more. Conquer each puzzle level and show off your quick thinking. Are you ready? Play now!

How to play

Use the mouse to play

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Categories And Tag of Quick Arithmetic

Quick Arithmetic gives you calculations and you have to click to see if it is correct or incorrect. You have 300 seconds to think about each calculation.