Ball Hit Domino
Ball Hit Domino

Ball Hit Domino


In Ball Hit Domino, cards are arranged vertically, players will kick a ball to make the cards fall down in a series of domino effects.

Ball Hit Domino is an addictive arcade game with fast pace. The player will observe a series of cards that are standing upright and independent. Then, control the direction of the ball to shoot the ball into a certain card, so that it can make all the cards fall down thanks to the domino effect. The domino effect is when a card falls down and it will fall on the card behind, and the cards behind will continue like that, creating a chain of collapse from the first position to the last. It requires the player to calculate the strategy carefully. Play now!

How to play

Use the mouse to play

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Categories And Tag of Ball Hit Domino

In Ball Hit Domino, cards are arranged vertically, players will kick a ball to make the cards fall down in a series of domino effects.