Word Search 3
Word Search 3

Word Search 3


When playing Word Search 3, a crossword board containing many letters appears in mixed order. Find the position of the given words.

Word Search 3 is a fun puzzle game in which players will have to find the location of words located on the right column of the screen. On the right side of the screen is a list of words you need to find. You will have to look closely at the table on the left then find them. They will be located on the same straight line, which can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal, from top down or bottom up, but they will be located close to each other. When words corresponding to the right column are found, they will be crossed out. Your ultimate goal is to find all the words in that list to complete each level. Conquer levels with your observation ability. Are you ready? Play now!

How to play

Use the mouse to play

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Categories And Tag of Word Search 3

When playing Word Search 3, a crossword board containing many letters appears in mixed order. Find the position of the given words.