Illuminate 1
Illuminate 1

Illuminate 1


Illuminate 1 is a fun puzzle game where players will have to draw paths between energy sources and light bulbs in order to successfully light them up.

Illuminate 1 takes players to intellectual puzzles that require high thinking and observation skills. Your task here is to make all the light bulbs light up on the same board. Here, there are already light bulbs and power sources. Your task is to draw connecting wires to connect them together and create powerful energy sources to make the light bulbs shine. You can rotate the wire connectors appropriately. The game will be completed when all the light bulbs light up. Conquer each level of the game with your excellent observation and thinking skills. Are you ready? Play now!

How to play

Use the mouse to play

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Categories And Tag of Illuminate 1

Illuminate 1 is a fun puzzle game where players will have to draw paths between energy sources and light bulbs in order to successfully light them up.